When you are looking at new roofs, there is often the thought that sticking with what you have is the best option.  But when you work with a roofing contractor, you quickly find out there are lots of different options to consider.  So by working with roofers in Tunbridge Wells, you can get a wider range of roofing ideas and some examples of the most popular roofing services around the area.

the Most Popular Roofing Materials in the UK

Interlocking tiles

One of the most common types of roofing in Tunbridge Wells and around the UK is the use of interlocking tiles of different materials.  Concrete ones are a cost effective option often seen on commercial properties – larger in size, they quickly cover a big area and offer cost effective weatherproofing for the building.  They can also be used on homes, especially modern ones where they can be made to mimic existing materials, often at a lower cost.

Pantiles are most common in the east of England and are used for both traditional and modern designs.  Plain tiles are ideal if you want a more traditional look and can come in a wide range of styles and colours.  Clay tiles are one of the classics of this kind of roof and are often used in renovation services for period properties.

Slate roofing

Slate has been a roofing material for many centuries and became particularly popular in Victorian times when the development of the railways meant that a builder in Tunbridge Wells could easily bring slate from other parts of the country.  You can still get regional slates as well as those brought in from outside the UK.

Slate has a long lifespan and is a mid-range priced roofing material.  It does require a stronger roofing system than some materials so timber treatment and strengthening may be needed to support this kind of roof.

Other roofing options

Thatched roofs are usually used only where there is already thatch in place, but some new homes are being constructed with this material.  It does need more attention than other materials and this is why it tends to be considered only if it is already in place.

Green roofs are a new addition that makes a roof from real plants to create a green or eco-friendly roofing option.  This style of roof is ideal for flat roof areas as there is the need for drainage and waterproofing, so the plants get water, but the building below is protected.  They have been popular in places like Scandinavia for many years and are now featuring in the UK more often.

Metal on the roof is not uncommon with lead having been used for flashings for many years.  But new styles of lightweight roofing tile and sheet material have opened it up as an option for flat or only slightly pitched roofs.  It can also be made into different colours and finishes with painting and decorating services for these specialist roofs to change the look of them and make them appear less metal and more natural.

roofer in Tunbridge Wells

"Certainly one of the best Roofer/builder in the South East.
Highly recommended!"

Robert Weiss

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